


It all goes downhill from here -2011-12-05

Loco for Morocco-2011-11-14

2:55 p.m.

Yay good job guys! You are reading my blog! Hoorays all around.

Anyway, I've been a pretty busy bee, because in addition to you know, living and school, my friends have decided to be all garangs and like, do stuff besides lying in my bed or reading tumblrs.

Last weekend I went to Wales. Yes mum I was going to tell you but its like, Wales. So we took a train to Wales.

And why did we go to Wales?

We climbed a mountain.

And I mean like, a real mountain, not Bukit Timah hill or some weak sauce like that.

This mountain, to be precise.

Wiki that shit

Yes. I don't really know why. The decision process was a bit like this:

Housemates: "Hey, lets go to Snowdon!"
Me: "Is that an ice cream shop?"

Okay so no, not really, I actually did know what Snowdon was, but it was literally within a week we booked tickets and was on a 5-ish hour train ride with 3 changes to Wales.

Luckily I brought my hiking boots! Which I must say, was an absolutely savior. Could be the reason why I'm still alive.

When we got there, it was drizzly and foggy, a lot like what you'd expect Wales to be. We chose the 2 safest and easiest routes up the mountain so that they were essentially walking paths, The Minor's path and the Llamberis path since we(I) were totally noobcakes. On the way up I was already dying and whining, being the lump of soft, soft fat I was, even the previous muay thai session wasn't enough. But that was just me, and the route, though wet and rocky, was like rock stairs up. But as we ascended it got harder and the path was less like a path.


Apparently we took the Pyg path which is considerable more treacherous and difficult. GOOD NAVIGATION GUYS.

NOTE: Dear mum reading this, while I am complaining that it was dangerous and nearly died etc, its really just me whining. It's a popular mountain where loads of people go, and people don't usually die. I was fairly ashamed when little kids and older people overtook us. Oh well.

So yes we took the wrong path which as significantly harder, (like, you have to use your hands kinda harder) since our original path was supposed to have a nice scenic walk along a lake and etc. But we did make it to the top, though its super foggy and you only get to see things when the fog clears as the wind blows. We took the easiest path back down which is like a walking path (people bike on this path), but because the incline is much lower it was daaaammmnnn long. Like the path up was maybe 3.5 miles, but the descent was like, 5 miles.

Oh yes, also, because we suck, I didn't waterproof my bag. So all my stuff got wet. I did try to save some things halfway up like stuffing them into plastic bags, but in generally most of us were soaked. Note we were staying one night in Wales and we carried all our stuff including clothes we were going to change into the next day. All wet. I think I was quite lucky because I managed to save things and dry them out, but some of the others had to wear wet underwear and clothes the next day.

Then the long long train back the next day. Another eventful incident was due to some complicated thingys involved when we were booking the tickets, 2 out of 6 of us had to go to another train station to take the train back to london. So I was one of the 2 and we went to the station we were supposed to go.

And we found out trains didn't run at that station on sundays.

Cue a moment of raging.

So we had to take an hour bus to ANOTHER station and take the train from there.

All finally back home with sore bunions and thighs.

But all in all an eventful but on-hindsight-fun experience, and I can actually tell people to their disbelieving faces that I climbed the tallest mountain in Wales.


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